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21 mai 2015 4 21 /05 /mai /2015 21:03


but it could have been anywhere...

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19 mars 2012 1 19 /03 /mars /2012 21:57

opaline jaune bedroomchinese shadows bedroom window

inspiration #6

4:23pm at home 19th of March 2012. spring has nearly sprung.

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16 mars 2012 5 16 /03 /mars /2012 18:58



mmmmm, i'm in blissful admiration of these charms. Handmade, handsewn and hand assembled. Really fine and time intensive work. Little treasures that i'll probably keep for a while before re-crafting. Merci beaucoup to the lovely lady who gifted them to me!

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17 mars 2011 4 17 /03 /mars /2011 18:30



A more rural version of yarn bombing...

A while ago i dicovered Resurection Fern , a blogger from across the Atlantic. This woman makes beautiful artwork using her yarn, crafty skill and surrounding environment. I was particulary inspired by her covered stones. Here are a couple of photos of  stones i covered with crochet last summer on the banks of the Ardèche river.

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22 septembre 2010 3 22 /09 /septembre /2010 19:18

morning view


This morning i woke up early with the intention of settling down to some hard crafting. Coffee in hand I opened the door to the terrace where i was met by this most delicious, almost autumn view...bliss.

Crafting did happen for the rest of the day! A little free embroidery on some photo/textile brooches (photos posted soon)

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24 mai 2010 1 24 /05 /mai /2010 09:30

9 rummel motel
9 rummel motel
par ilex

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21 mai 2010 5 21 /05 /mai /2010 07:19

disgusting coffeenasturtium-seed-bag.jpg 

Taken in a the garden of a tearoom somewhere near San Francisco. The morning air was damp and heavy with seafog, this floral print tablecloth stood out against the orange and yellow nasturtiums. It was the worst coffee I have ever drunk.

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19 mai 2010 3 19 /05 /mai /2010 14:52

detail turquoise speed queen

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18 mai 2010 2 18 /05 /mai /2010 18:28


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14 mai 2010 5 14 /05 /mai /2010 21:43


par ilex

The summer bag collection is going to be bright and colourful. here is the first of some photos which have inspired the choice of colours/forms/textures...more to come.

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ilex-points de vente

Vous trouverez ilex...bags and other curiosities ici :

  • Espace Créateur : 7 Place des Corps Saints, Avignon  
  • A Little Market, excellente boutique en ligne pour des créations et pièces uniques
  • Cubik la galerie-boutique : 6 rue des Teissiers, Montpellier
  • Keep Fire : 1 rue des Teinturiers, Avignon 
  • Marché de Noël dimanche 2 décembre, Rue des Teinturiers, Avignon

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